Saturday, February 27, 2016

Quote of the Day

Without one (1), there is no two (2). Without zero (0), there is no one (1). Wait. Crash the second sentence out. Without zero (0). no number will follow. Without that number with no value, the number with the greatest value will not be known.
You see, you cannot be somebody if you do not start but you need to start to be somebody. That best-selling author was once an amateur; that skilled surgeon used to be incapable to perform surgery; that successful businessman was once poor; that intelligent students used to always fail. Those "SOMEBODIES" started from being "NOBODIES".

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Quote of the Day

Each one of us commit mistakes on a daily basis. And often times do we allow conscience to enter our hearts. Because of that, we try to correct the mistake that we committed. But how do correct our mistakes? We correct them with another mistakes most of the time - if not always.
Everyone knows that getting pregnant before marriage is a big mistake. Women think of the ways to correct it and they often misunderstood that the product is also a mistake. So they abort the child. We all know that killing an innocent life that has not even seen the world yet is not correct, right? Well. unless you're a heartless bastard. Oftentimes, women think that they are correcting their mistake with another and bigger mistake.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Quote of the Day

In our daily lives, we encounter things that must be listened to. We listen to them. Yes, we do. But for what purpose? To reply.
When an inner cry enters our ears, have we ever only opened our ears and left our mouths closed? No. We do not listen to listen but to reply. We focus on replying that we forget weighing the poison our tongues carry. And we forget about the purpose of listening.
To listen is to lend one's hand, not to step on a pure heart. Why does man always make good look bad?

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Quote of the Day

In every court, there is a judge assigned. He/She is responsible for arriving to the truth and knowing the just. But who assigned the judge with that responsibility? Who gave that judge the authority? Man. And though that judge is working for justice, we do not know which justice he/she is working for. Is he/she working for  the real justice or the justice created by man? Well, that questions needs not to be answered. For the judge is not justice. The judge, in the eyes of the real justice, is just a detective trying to find clues by poking the weaknesses of the people without taking into account the why's.
Yes, I know that justice is found inside the court but it does not sit beside the judge or the prosecutor or the lawyer. Justice is sitting beside the convicted innocent, never beside the paid "justice".